Meet the Committee

General enquiries:

Dr Linda Brassington

Dr Linda Brassington


Following a long career as a Senior Lecturer in Printed and Woven Textiles, Linda’s work has spanned international residencies and design projects. Her current research explores new meaning in resist dyeing and the relevance of intangible cultural heritage in contemporary practice. Since her election as Chair in 2020, Linda has worked closely with colleagues to build an ever-increasing community of members, and to strengthen the Society’s charitable purpose in upholding the value of textile education in all its diverse forms.

"Education is central to the purpose of the Textile Society, demonstrated through our extensive awards and bursaries scheme, our breadth of events, conferences and fairs, and through our annual journal and publications. From colour in the dye room to the global culture of cloth, textiles cross boundaries and the many disciplines represented by the Textile Society."

Jo Horton

Dr Joanne Horton

Co-Vice Chair and Student Bursaries Lead

Joanne’s career has progressed from academia to practice-based research as a maker-historian. She has been on the judging panel for the Textile Society Student Bursary Award Scheme for several years, recently taking over as Lead Judge.

“This wonderful experience has led to my interest in the role of Co-Vice Chair and to support the ongoing work of the Textile Society and its dynamic members, and to encourage the study of textiles in its broadest context. As a Professional Development Award recipient, I am very motivated to give back to the Society and support others in the same generous way that has been given to me..”

Dr Leanne Tonkin

Dr Leanne Tonkin

Co-Vice Chair and Museum Award

Leanne is a researcher and lecturer in Sustainable Fashion, and Textile Design and Conservation Practice. With over 25 years’ professional experience in textiles and fashion manufacture and conservation, including 10 years as a fashion designer, she has experience in supporting and evaluating the benefits of membership to the Textile Society.

"My professional experiences have led to my current research investigating people-centred approaches to fashion archives, acknowledging the values of sustainable design practice, and connecting uses and users of historical collections - all aspects that align with the aims of the Textile Society."

Dr Frances Casey

Dr Frances Casey

Acting Secretary

As an experienced project manager, heritage researcher and museum curator with a background in community engagement, Frances is interested in historical textile narratives relevant to both academic and public audiences.

"In my commitment to volunteer management, I have contributed to charity governance, organisation, administration and communication with members."

Sally Laker

Sally Laker

Treasurer and Membership Secretary

Sally’s background is in accountancy and business. She has 35 years of experience in industry, where she extended her skills in internal controls and procedures. Later she developed a career in teaching, specialising in adult literacy and mathematics for students and sixth formers.

"After 11 years in the teaching profession I remember why I took the opportunity to change career: to concentrate on education."

Suzanne Smith

Suzanne Smith

Awards and Bursaries Representative
Museum, Archive and Conservation Award

Suzanne has over 20 years’ experience of working in the museum and heritage sector. She is a recognised expert in storage and care of textile-based collections having managed the national collection for eight years. She is now working in a consultative role.

"I remain dedicated to opening up textile and fashion collections to as wide and as diverse an audience as possible, and believe wholeheartedly that ‘all of this belongs to you’!"

Jennifer Shellard

Jennifer Shellard

Professional Development Award

Jennifer has experience as a Senior Lecturer in higher education and as an External Examiner. She works as an Associate Lecturer on BA and MA textile courses while continuing her own practice and exhibiting internationally. Jennifer has made a number of successful applications for practice-based research which have given her insight into the preparation, framing and articulation of research proposals.

"In 2019 I received the Textile Society’s Professional Development Award for a jacquard weave residency. I appreciated the tremendous value of how such an award provides a stimulus to creativity and imagination and enables professional practice and research to expand."

Pat Frost

Pat Frost

Text and News Editor

Pat has almost 30 years’ experience of working in the Fashion and Textile Department of an international auction house, with special responsibility for European, Islamic, Indian and Asian textiles and Fashion sales. Now Pat is an independent consultant in the field.

"In my second term as Editor of the Textile Society publications I hope to widen the topics covered and increase contributions from the membership, both in the form of articles and support for the production of the newsletter and journal. There is so much still to be written and photographed on our shared field of interest!"

Clare Bungey

Clare Bungey

Text and News Production Editor

Since completing her degree in Printed Textiles, Clare has developed an extensive career in textile publishing, marketing and communications. Now she specialises in organising and curating textile events and workshops in the UK and internationally.

"I have had a life-long love of textiles, and have been pleased to collaborate with wonderful textile artists, designers and historians from all over the world."

Desiree Jeans

Desiree Jeans

Website Editor

Desiree’s experience lies in business development and events programming to encourage engagement with museum collections and exhibitions. Her current interests lie in podcasts, and the crossover between public speaking, social media and online content.

"My creative practice focuses on sculptural hand knitting. The process used to create is crucial, with the act of handcrafting being key. Future aspirations include doctoral research in the use of hand knitting as a grief management tool."

Holly Walker

Holly Walker

Publicity Officer

Following a degree in Printed Textiles, Holly worked in TV production and video content in textile art and craft, before project managing store design in international fashion and homeware for ten years.

"My interest is in homespun and domestic textiles; the intimate narratives they embody and the wider political insights they can give. The ‘craft’ aesthetic as an art form, and the influence of context has always intrigued me."

Jane Rylands

Jane Rylands

Events team member

Jane is a practising artist specialising in textiles and paper. Her work has taken her to Japan through residencies and international exhibition. Now her time is primarily dedicated to teaching Art and Textiles in secondary and further education while researching and developing her practice.

Jennifer Jones

Jennifer Jones

Acting Membership Representative

Having worked in the British textile industry designing floor rugs, suitings, furnishings and luxury accessories, Jennifer's current practice experiments with weave structure and yarns - pushing the boundaries and questioning the nature of cloth and its potential.

"I have been engaged with textiles all my life. My mother was of the make-do and mend generation, so I grew up in an atmosphere of repurposing cloth and yarns, and was taught to sew, knit, crochet, embroider and mend."

Lara Pain

Lara Pain

Student Representative

Having recently graduated with a BA Honours First Class degree in Textile Design, Lara has previous experience as a student representative and ambassador for her university’s textile course. Following her graduation Lara was awarded the 2022 Clothworker’s Award at Cockpit Studios where her current weaving practice is now based.

"I was awarded a Textile Society student bursary in 2022 which supported my final project. Consequently, I recognise the role of the Society in supporting students in the broad field of textile study and their subsequent professional development."

Professor Emerita Lesley Millar MBE

Professor Emerita Lesley Millar MBE

Conferences and Symposia team member

During her long career in higher education and ground-breaking international textile research, Lesley has organised many international exhibitions, conferences and symposia.

"My role as a weaver, curator and academic has been to find ways in which contemporary textile practice is placed at the centre of current art and craft discourse, and I would like to offer this experience to the Textile Society."

Roselind Sinclair MBE

Roselind Sinclair MBE

Publications team member

Roselind has worked across a range of disciplines that engage with the traditional and digital in textile practice. Rose has experience as a Co-editor, Editorial Advisory Board Member and Reviewer for the range of publications she works on.

"I have a background in knitwear design and colour, and a passion for all things textiles. In recent years much of my work has focused on how the voices of those marginalised in textiles can be brought to the fore, with co-creation and co-collaboration at the forefront of my work. What is key for me is the lens through which to look at diverse voices in the space of textiles and design."

Jessica Ng

Jessica Ng

Publicity team member

Jessica is fluent in English, French, Mandarin and Malay, while also learning to speak Dutch and Norwegian. Having recently graduated with a degree in Languages and Interculturalism in France, Jessica has also worked as a Marketing Communications Manager and as a Coordinator of Events.

"My expertise in languages has helped me to understand culture in different countries, especially Asia and Europe. Following an eight-week internship programme with the Textile Society, I hope to use my experience to support future communication and help grow the Textile Society on an international platform."

John Fisher

John Fisher

Co-opted member
Antique and Vintage Textile Fairs